Sell your products
Since you're here you must have a awesome product!
Having trouble marketing and advertising your product? The major social media sites won't allow cannabis related ads on their platform, that's where we step in. We get thousands of new enthusiast that visit Livestoner every week to find new and exciting products.
Most companies will have you sign up, create an account and make you go through a long process to get your products on their site. Not to mention horrible rates. Most will take a big % of your sales, while some will charge you per unit you sell.
NOT US! We make it simple and affordable. All you have to do is select your desired package and buy it. Get your product in front of Thousands of smokers! Not only that but it doesn't matter if you sell 1 or 100 of your products, YOU KEEP 100% OF THE PROFITS!
Quick Analytics:
On average we get over 6,000 unique visitors a week.
90% Organic.
70% Male | 30% Female
Lots of Companies & Independent sellers are already catching on. Why wait when you could be making money!
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us!
- Your product will be put on the main page catalog with regular rotation
- Your own Link, Picture, Price & Description
1 Product: $50 | 3 Products: $100 | Custom: Contact for price

*Most Popular*
1 Product: $125 | 3 Products: $250 | Custom: Contact for price
Can rotate which product is on the featured
- Your product will be displayed on the "Featured" Items for 1 week
- Will be added to the main page catalog and remain stationary in 1 of the first 6 items for 2 weeks, then it will be added back into regular rotation
- Put in to its proper category page (ex. Grinders would go on our Grinders Page)
- Your own Link, Picture, Price & Description

We will create a page exclusively with your products. It will have a unique, custom design and we can add your Logos / Banners.
You will receive monthly analytics on how your page is doing.
The link to your page will be located on the Menu & Footer of LiveStoner
Your product page will be added to the Featured items
You will have complete control of the aspects listed below
Prices - Product Rotation - Pictures - Descriptions - Colors - Web Address ex: Livestoner.com/YourName
10 Products: $500 | 20 Products: $750 | Custom: Contact for price

To get started, fill out the form. Please be sure to add the package you want and the amount of products. One of our reps will be contacting you shortly.